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Shanxi Cultural Tourism Promotion Conference Held in Kuala Lumpur

Shanxi Cultural Tourism (Malaysia) Promotion Conference was held in Kuala Lumpur on the 13th. Wang Aiqin, director general of the Shanxi Provincial Department of Culture and Tourism, who attended the event, said that he looked forward to strengthening tourism cooperation between Shanxi and Malaysia through this event, promoting the return of tourists from each other, and adding assistance to tourism and economic recovery.
Wang Aiqin introduced that Shanxi has a rich history and splendid culture. It is an important birthplace of Chinese civilization and has rich and colorful cultural tourism resources. In recent years, Shanxi's tourism infrastructure has become more and more mature, and it has become more convenient for international tourists to travel to Shanxi. Shanxi is speeding up the construction of internationally renowned tourist destinations, and strives to provide warm and satisfying travel experiences for international tourists, including Malaysian tourists.

She also said that Shanxi will also actively create conditions to promote Shanxi people to travel to Malaysia and experience the unique tourism charm of Malaysia. Shanxi also supports the cooperation between local travel agencies and Malaysian travel agencies, and supports travel agencies to send tourists to each other, so as to jointly promote the prosperity and development of the tourism industry.
Chirstina Yeo, under secretary of the International Cooperation Department of the Ministry of Tourism, Arts and Culture of Malaysia, attended the event and said that Malaysia is willing to strengthen tourism and cultural exchanges with Shanxi, and hopes that the tourism and cultural circles of the two places will work together to contribute to the development of the cultural tourism of the two countries.
It is reported that Wang Aiqin, director general of the Shanxi Provincial Department of Culture and Tourism, personally led the promotion and inspection team to Singapore, Thailand, and Malaysia from April 7 to 16 to hold satisfactory tourism in Shanxi cultural tourism promotion activities, aiming to attract overseas tourists. Demonstrate the long, profound and brilliant historical and cultural heritage of Shanxi Province in China, further enhance the brand image of Shanxi cultural tourism, strengthen cultural tourism cooperation with Southeast Asian countries and regions, and expand the popularity and popularity of the cultural tourism brand of "Ancient Chinese Civilization·Shanxi Beautiful Scenery" Influence, promote the healthy and rapid development of Shanxi's cultural tourism industry, and let the people of the world know and be familiar with Shanxi.
Zhao Changtao, Education Counselor of the Chinese Embassy in Malaysia, Zhang Jiexin, Director of the China Cultural Center (Kuala Lumpur), Li Zhongping, President of the Malaysian Chinese Entrepreneurs Federation, and people from the Malaysian tourism industry attended the promotion meeting that day. The promotion meeting fully demonstrated Shanxi's rich and colorful cultural tourism resources, and introduced Shanxi's high-quality tourism routes, which were highly praised by the participating Malaysian tourism circles.
