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Kuala Lumpur hosts Zhejiang Culture and Tourism Promotion Conference

On June 2, the Zhejiang Culture and Tourism Promotion Conference of “With the Moon Intertwining with Stars, the Sea is Snuggling to the Sky”, was held at the Zhejiang Tourism (Southeast Asia) Promotion Center in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Representatives from the Malaysian culture, tourism, and media industry participated in the event sponsored by the Zhejiang Provincial Department of Culture and Tourism.

Zhejiang and Southeast Asia have a strong connection in cultural tourism, and their  cultural tourism resources are highly complementary. Southeast Asia has become an important market for inbound tourists and an outbound tourism destination for Zhejiang. Taking the opportunity of this event, both Zhejiang and Southeast Asia will promote bilateral exchanges and cooperation in the cultural tourism industry to a broader field, with a deeper and higher level.

At the conference. participants were given an insight into Zhejiang’s rich tourism resources, long history and culture, beautiful natural scenery, and vivid folk customs during the promotion.

A represenative from the Department also expressed his goodwill to deepen the consensus and strengthen the cooperation between the cultural and tourism industries between both sides through this event.

The promotional video of Zhejiang Culture and Tourism, presented during the event, showed the audience the unique tourism resources and rich intangible cultural heritage of Zhejiang. At the same time, guests are invited to experience the extraordinary charm of Zhejiang through VR videos of Picturesque Zhejiang.

The successful holding of the conference has deepened the brand influence of “Picturesque Zhejiang” in Southeast Asia. It also deepened the local people’s understanding of Zhejiang culture and tourism and will further promote the cultural and tourism cooperation between the two sides to achieve new results.
